Why Is Non-Monogamy Still So Stigmatized?

Out of principle, I'm publicly non-monogamous. I wear my wedding ring in public and make it a point to talk about my wife's partners in conversation if it's relevant. My family and friends know I'm in a polyamorous relationship as well.

Yet, it amazes me how often people need to tell me my relationship is doomed to fail, or show a visible look of disgust when I tell them, or just assume I'm whoring around. I'm especially annoyed by other men, where they find it interesting... until I tell them my wife has relationships with *gasp* other men. The misogyny is unreal.

Nevertheless, I hope that over time that more and more people discover that it's a totally valid relationship structure. It can work, and it does for a lot of people! I discovered a surprising number of non-monog people in my network once I 'came out' (again probably because of the stigma). So for me, I think it's important to be public about it in an attempt to create spaces where other non-monogamous people feel comfortable.

  1. Why do you think non-monogamy is so stigmatized?
  2. What are some of the small things you do to change the public perception?