What social rules would you like to see in NZ?
So, I've lived in a few large cities around the world. It weems like every country has it's own set of social rules to follow to keep the city moving and reduce the friction of people living close together.
It seems to me that NZ doesn't really have this, or many have lapsed in time. Many cities have merged from small towns and villages and those attitudes have carried over. With NZ's cities getting increasingly larger, and population densities going up, what social rules would you like to ressurect from the past or import from another country?
My top ones would be
- Walk on the left of the footpath wherever possible. Stand on the left of left of the escalator.
- Standard to the side and allowing other to exit an elevator/train before piling in.
- Allowing others to merge into traffic at congested intersections.
- Not walking and eating/smoking in case you bump into someone.
- Shared respnsibility for communal spaces/resources. eg littering, public toilets etc
Generally these are about being mindful of others but it is
What would you bring back or introduce to NZ if you could?