Questions about attunement

Had a question was hoping any of you can answer

I had been curious about maximizing my damage

I didn't have much time to test this but I had been curious about the attunements, I have researched this used to be something like BIS years ago and was meta around the chain perk days.

Question one

How can you tell if the perk increases the damage? Should there be a perk cooldowns icon or the words or so?

Ive used weapons with split damage from runeglass ect and you would see different colored numbers and a separate tick

I got like 2 minutes before work to try this weapon I made (I'll do more testing to tonight this set up I created I wanted to do more damage with my heavy Attacks and my light auto attacks )

(Taiyi void gauntlet has with refreshing, enchanted, and abyssal attunement)

(Vs my 725 lifetaker with enchanted, refreshing, keen ECT)

Now what I expected was the 700 VG to out perform the LT

LT only special ability should give it extra dot damage on long ranged stacks

Now I didn't get to do much testing in melee range so that may be the deciding factor (which is what I was hoping for )

But the LT gauntlet was out performing the Taiyi 700 GS one

My artifact has a single point of weapon damage higher then the Taiyi

The weapons have basically the same perks except the Taiyi should be doing more damage at least 10% more

Because of the attunement perk

I have yet to try much melee to do more trying but shouldn't I see something like the attunement "proccing" by way of the floating text that pops up when you get empowered and buffs ?

Because it sorts seems to me it simply does nothing and no increase at all

Also I'm curious if when you have something like a attunement that does the same type of damage if it does nothing ?

Because I have no idea how AGS would allows you to slot it then (I wasted a matrix and mats ECT on this of this isn't supposed to be happen idfk)

Is there anybody out there that has more experience about the numbers for this ?

Preferably PC players if possible answer, I'm console and I look up and generally do my own testing because I read about all the changes the game got and how screwed up damage scaling can get

And also lastly

Does attunement only affect skills or any kind of damage ? Because if it's just skills then I fullly realize why I haven't seen damage increases since I was just using long ranged heavies

Appreciate the replies back in advance thanks