Anybody else enjoying being a newborn mom?
I 20 F have a little 8 week old baby and he's just the best. I really enjoying having a son and I cannot ever say I lack sleep because of him, since his father is the one who cares for him during night time and doesn't wake me up a single time unless he really doesn't want to take the bottle so he breastfeeds (which is rare)
During the days where his dad works, it's just me and him chilling or napping together. Breastfeeding makes me very sleepy for some reason, so most of the time I nap with him.
I'm not located in the US so when the sort of nurses/doctors came by to check on our living conditions and how we have the baby they say that for first time parents. We are doing very impressive as everything we are doing/have is perfect for the baby. I think it's because me being so young and my partner being 30, his maturity and my energy helps us balance parenthood.
All I can say is that I'm having so much fun caring for my baby, all the funny moment where me and Dad accidentally get pooped all over or when baby started to coo. It all feels so unreal and magical. And dad has been a trooper as well, he takes amazing care of me and baby so no complaining there :D
But I feel as if I'm enjoying this too much. Everytime I open social media I see "newborn trenches" "mom rage" etc. And I feel as if I'm missing something or that I don't have a motherly instinct because I don't get mad when my baby cries a little at night or he keeps me a little awake. Idk how to describe it but I feel guilty for having too much fun and enjoying being a mom. I try to keep a positive mindset with each tantrum or with the occasional sleepless night because I know he will never be this little again and I must enjoy every single moment I have with him.
Or am I just crazy?