The two host from Snack v Chef are unbearable

The show is awesome. I enjoy the concept and the chefs creating the food. However, the two hosts are unbearable!!! Anyone else agree?

The big girl is not funny at all and is cringey. The Indian dude is deadpan, dry delivery and not funny. The female judge never talks and the tall dude who is the PHD guy just talks and talks and talks. I think he should host the show cause he has the most personality and the most knowledge about food.

Shows like Nailed IT work cause the host is funny, quick, somewhat annoying but it brings energy to the show. Jac brings knowledge and is funny. Having a third guess host works wonders.

That drinking show works cause they had three judges; one that bought that cool vibe and two others who had knowledge. The show is presented as a “cool” show and the three embodied that.

Just wondering if anyone felt the same about those judges/host from the snack show.