Whats Your Go-To Tip/Queue for Each Muscle Group?

Whats your go-to advice for taking every muscle group to the next level?

  • Chest - go to failure every set, DB bench for 6-8 heavy reps
  • Tricep - focus on long head development in stretched position 
  • Bicep - focus on elbows behind body curls (stretched position) 
  • Mid delt - lift in scapular plane at 45 degrees, not directly out to the side
  • Rear dent - keep your shoulders down the doing rear delt raises to minimize upper trap takeover 
  • Lats - mind-muscle connection is everything, focus on elbow to body
  • Upper back - heavy flared-elbow rows 
  • Quads - 10-15 reps, focus on getting full stretch at the bottom 
  • Hamstrings - heavy RDLs are everything, seated leg curls > lying leg curls
  • Calves - pass