HELP - Baby Boy Name - Running Out Of Time

Hey Everyone! I have scoured the web and Reddit for baby boy names - "X" is currently due in just a couple of weeks. I am Italian and my wife is Mexican so we tend to lean towards something that sort of fits both, but we both typically prefer the lean-stronger Italian names. Our son who is one now is named Vincent and that was a name we always loved, so that's taken. There are just a couple that we have had some interest in, including: Giancarlo, Giovanni, Enzo and Giacomo. I want something fairly original but not too difficult to pronounce. Below are some names that I commonly see that we are not interested in. I would love any ideas and it does not HAVE to be Italian - we are open. Just wanted to offer some guidance for a good suggestion.

NOT Interested In:


-Lorenzo (she likes it but I don't)





-Antonio (too many in our family already)



-Marco (I like but she doesn't)

Definitely would love some suggestions! Feels like we are never going to find a name.....ugh.