Looking for songs like Secunda by Jeremy Soule (yes, from Skyrim)
We've all played that game, but this was an absolute standout track every time I'd play it, and almost felt like it stood out style/genre wise from the rest of the soundtrack. To the point where it's the only song on the soundtrack I have downloaded to listen to outside of the game.
This one track has such a dark and ethereal feel to it. The reverbed pianos on such a slow backing of strings is hauntingly beautiful. The light vocals (while not really my favorite part) also tie it all together.
I've tried to find more songs like this through some sites like "SongsLike", but (I'm assume) because the algorithm just identifies it as a "song from skyrim soundtrack", it pulls from the rest of the soundtrack and gives battle ready dragon slaying pumped up music; not this outlier of a slow, melancholy, almost otherworldly feel
Anyone know of any songs like this one?