The Power Of The Dog. 2021, everybody completely loves this movie... [SPOILERS]

Except for me.

This was the most difficult watch I've endured in a long, long, long time. First, I have no problem with long, or slow burn movies, I really enjoy them, usually, because of the constant simmering.

I understood Rose was emotionally fragile, and she was happy to be swept off her feet, and know her son was cared for, although I was uncertain if she was his biological mother, because the kid calls her Rose a few times.

I get she couldn't set boundaries with her partner, so she was an easy target for the asshole brother, who was living a facade, hiding his intelligence, education, and homosexuality, and was abusive to people around him to provide his own safe place while in company.

I also get the brother died from anthrax from the rope from the dead cow, what wasn't clear to me was if this was intentional. I know at the beginning the son said something about looking after his mother, but the way the rope thing happened, and because I was struggling to stay awake, I'm not sure if it was murder or not.

In terms of performances, which seems to be the thing carrying people's love for the movie. I don't like Benedict Cumberbatch as much as everyone else seems to. However I liked him a great deal in, The Imitation Game, so I'm not just here shitting on everything he does.

But in this, I felt he was underused almost. When he chases the "little bitch" away from the river, that was some strong vocal power, it woke me up, I laughed out loud, but the rest of the movie, there doesn't seem to be much happening.

I've always liked Kirsten Dunst, and Jesse Plemons, I really like, but both seemed underused. And Thomasin McKenzie could have been replaced with anyone on the planet, she offers an adorable bunny impression, but other than that, nothing.

Two hours I won't get back because I hate not finishing a movie, but damn, this was an excruciatingly tedious watch.

I know not everyone will like everything, and maybe I'm just one of the few, but the ratings are so high on this one that I'd like to hear other's peoples thoughts on the movie weather in agreement or disagreement.

And if anyone has read the book, are there huge differences that alter, ruin, or improve the movie?

Just one rookie human's thoughts.

EDIT - Initially this post was down voted into minus. Almost a month on I'm now seeing it slowly rise. Feel free to comment if you have thoughts, it might be interesting if people's thoughts change once the hype has died down.

Another EDIT - 50 up votes. Traction on this post is as slow as the movie.

Yet Another EDIT - 200 up votes. Yay.