Nicholas Cage…

Hi everyone, I’m sorry, this might be a bit of a strange question. Is Nicolas Cage a genius actor?! Over a decade ago, I remember watching one of his movies with some friends, a few mins in, we all laughed at how awful his acting was, and I think I’ve skipped nearly every movie of his since. It certainly didn’t help that everyone I know feels the same. I just finished watching the unbearable weight of massive talent and it just felt… brilliant. Was it supposed to be?? Is this a whole genre of acting or is this his thing? Are all his movies like this? Gonna be honest, I’m a lil high right now, so don’t laugh at me if I’m reading too much into this.

Edit 1: I’m watching another one ya’ll. I’m sorry maybe I really am higher than I thought, coz is this man MAKING A MOVIE OF HIS ENTIRE LIFE? why do I get this impression? It would be insanely genius, yet even in the real world, there is this theme of life inspiring art and art inspiring life. And this strangely powerful play on chaos and sanity?

Am I going crazy or what 😭😅😄😄

Edit 2: I’m pretty sure he’s doing it on purpose now. There is so much depth here… why have people been lying about this man for so long? Why?

Edit 3: Why do I feel like his entire life as we watch it unfold is the real movie, and the movies he plays are a part of the main plot.