“Shield of the City”
Directed by Peter Berg, Shield of the City is a gripping action thriller based on the true story of retired cop David Dorn. Set against the backdrop of a city descending into chaos during a wave of protests, the film follows Captain Ray Turner (a fictionalized David Dorn), a decorated 38-year police veteran who has spent his life protecting his community and mentoring its youth.
When violent looters target a local pawn shop owned by his lifelong friend, Turner answers a late-night alarm, stepping back into action one final time. But what starts as a routine check quickly spirals into a tense standoff, as Turner finds himself caught in a deadly clash with a ruthless gang exploiting the chaos for personal gain.
With the clock ticking, Turner must rely on his tactical training, unshakable principles, and the relationships he's built over a lifetime to protect innocent lives and stop the carnage. As tensions rise, the film explores the gritty reality of moral courage in the face of anarchy, culminating in a powerful and emotional climax.
Directed by Peter Berg, Shield of the City is a gripping action thriller based on the true story of retired cop David Dorn. Set against the backdrop of a city descending into chaos during a wave of protests, the film follows Captain Ray Turner (a fictionalized David Dorn), a decorated 38-year police veteran who has spent his life protecting his community and mentoring its youth.
When violent looters target a local pawn shop owned by his lifelong friend, Turner answers a late-night alarm, stepping back into action one final time. But what starts as a routine check quickly spirals into a tense standoff, as Turner finds himself caught in a deadly clash with a ruthless gang exploiting the chaos for personal gain.
With the clock ticking, Turner must rely on his tactical training, unshakable principles, and the relationships he's built over a lifetime to protect innocent lives and stop the carnage. As tensions rise, the film explores the gritty reality of moral courage in the face of anarchy, culminating in a powerful and emotional climax.