The Snyder hate especially on his Superman stuff especially Mos is really stupid & unwarranted
Case & point MOS is one of the best super hero movies I’ve ever seen, it made feel and empathize with a literal god. I admit the death scene of Clark’s Father is kinda stupid but it’s to portrayal a bigger point which is that the world isn’t ready or capable of dealing with a being as powerful as supes case & point how literally Batman & Lex try their best to kill that man in BvS. The first part of the movie especially scenes in his childhood could basically being read as big analogy on homosexuality in one scene he is literally afraid to come out the closet, he feels different from others his parents are concerned what would happen if he showed his true self, his dad telling him that he maybe should have let all the people in the bus die might not be something great that Jonathan would have said but it’s believable considering the circumstances they were he didn’t have all the answers he didn’t know what the right thing to do was but it also shows Clark’s early desire to do the right thing and help people in need.
For the love of god I still get mad at people not understanding that zod arriving and attacking the city is literally the first day of Clark actually being Superman he isn’t truly the Sups we know hence why the movie isn’t even called Superman but rather MAN OF STEEL, it’s literally his first day on the job, ofc he’s not gonna get everything right first try we literally see him fly for the first in the fucking movie like do people pay attention when watching this movie? Also why are people upset that he destroyed like half the city? Like I’ve seen so many Superman series where does the exact same thing and it was never a criticism point, also how do people expect a fight between 2 literal god like beings to go??? You got a guy that could literally destroy the earth if wanted to and u expect me to believe he wouldn’t cause some huge fucking property damage when he went all out to fight another guy who’s just as strong as him?
Case & point MOS is one of the best super hero movies I’ve ever seen, it made feel and empathize with a literal god. I admit the death scene of Clark’s Father is kinda stupid but it’s to portrayal a bigger point which is that the world isn’t ready or capable of dealing with a being as powerful as supes case & point how literally Batman & Lex try their best to kill that man in BvS. The first part of the movie especially scenes in his childhood could basically being read as big analogy on homosexuality in one scene he is literally afraid to come out the closet, he feels different from others his parents are concerned what would happen if he showed his true self, his dad telling him that he maybe should have let all the people in the bus die might not be something great that Jonathan would have said but it’s believable considering the circumstances they were he didn’t have all the answers he didn’t know what the right thing to do was but it also shows Clark’s early desire to do the right thing and help people in need.
For the love of god I still get mad at people not understanding that zod arriving and attacking the city is literally the first day of Clark actually being Superman he isn’t truly the Sups we know hence why the movie isn’t even called Superman but rather MAN OF STEEL, it’s literally his first day on the job, ofc he’s not gonna get everything right first try we literally see him fly for the first in the fucking movie like do people pay attention when watching this movie? Also why are people upset that he destroyed like half the city? Like I’ve seen so many Superman series where does the exact same thing and it was never a criticism point, also how do people expect a fight between 2 literal god like beings to go??? You got a guy that could literally destroy the earth if wanted to and u expect me to believe he wouldn’t cause some huge fucking property damage when he went all out to fight another guy who’s just as strong as him?