Any players in Virginia, US?

I played back in high school when Mordheim first came out, it was always my favorite GW game. I remember going to GamesDay in Baltimore, my home town, and camping the 1 Mordheim table they had all day long with my best friend 🙂

I've been lurking this sub for a while, gathering supplies for a 4x4 modular build, and finally pulled the trigger on some ebay minis to put a warband together. Got a good deal on some assorted dark elves, new warband for me as I only played mercs, sisters of sigmar, and witch hunters back in the day.

I'm halfway between Richmond and Fredericksburg, was kicking myself last year when I found out all too late that a big mordheim meet up happened in VA!

Hoping to hear from my VA people! And as always, repent! And beware of beastmen! 🍻