Dog barking complaint

I received a visit from the police regard a neighbours complaint about my dog(s) barking. I say dogs because I am dog sitting 2 dogs at the moment making a total of 3 small less than 15lb dogs each.

My dog gets walked and is quiet but with the temporary dogs, they are all outside in the yard for a few minutes a day a couple of times a day for their business. It happens that they can bark outside during this time but it is minority of the time.

The police said barking inside was allowed.. Gave a warning and warned about possible fines. All the dogs bark excitedly for a short period of a few seconds if someone comes to the door. Because I have a shared door with another renter, the dogs will bark in the house if someone comes to the door. (other renter, me coming home, mailman)

Ive read the Montreal dog rules for owners and regarding barking I assume there is problematic barking and what I consider undisruptive, few times a day barking for what is really few seconds, but the rules don't clarify.

I know the information I'm giving is accurate because my gf is always at home with the quarantine and so the dogs aren't left unsupervised.

Im looking for some help to nib this in the bud. I can't change crazy neighbours but I would like to be informed to properly defend this. I don't think getting anti bark dog collar is appropriate for this situation.