Visited Tokyo National Museum Toyokan - Mongolia Deserves Better!

The other day, I visited the Tokyo National Museum Toyokan (Asian Gallery). They’ve got artifacts from all over Asia: Central Asia, Southeast Asia, China and Korea. But you know what they have for Mongolia? shagai (that is just basically sheep bones). And not even in a proper section. It’s just located on the stairs between floors. That’s it. No actual Mongolian history, no artifacts, basically nothing except sheep bones. Meanwhile I saw stuff in the China section that’s actually also part of Mongolian history, like items from Northern Wei and other proto Mongolian states, but all those are just simply labeled as Chinese. So this is how Mongolia represented there, like we are just nothing more than people playing with bones. Mongolia has such a rich history, one of the largest empires in the world, art, culture, everything, but that museum doesn’t bother to show any of that. We have close allied relations with Japan, so why would they represent our country like this? Should the Ministry of Foreign Affairs do something? Maybe ask Japan to actually include even a small Mongolian section in their museum, like they did for other countries?