This deel is the best purchase I've ever made!


I recently acquired a deel, and it was worth every single penny! Granted, the international shipping fees are salty since I live on the East coast of Canada, but I regret nothing:

(This is the best picture I managed to get of my deel. Sorry!)

This Muurujin Engertei deel (please correct me if the info I've been given is wrong) is custom tailored, has been made by Mogul Fashion, and has been ordered via the online shop Mongolianz. Being tailored to my measurements, it fits nice and snug, and my gods is this garment comfortable! The black sleeves has patters which I didn't initially notice when I ordered it from Mongolianz, so it was a nice surprise. And a pocket... that got an audible gasp out of me when I found out about the hidden pocket!

The Mongolian culture, both modern and ancient, have been a subject of fascination for me and it was only a matter of time till I got my hands on such a beauty. I'm more than satisfied with this purchase, and I have to thank Mogul Fashion for their artisanship. I will definitely try to get more Mongolian-made items in the near future - I already have a morin khuur and I'm currently looking to buy some gutals as well. Also, even though it doesn't seem like one, this is sort of an introduction: Hi there! I'm Tato, nice to make your acquaintance.