hearing / migraine vent

my migraines have fucked my head up so bad. I can’t listen to loud music anymore without causing a bad headache to a migraine, I can’t sit in silence because my tinnitus is so bad, I was recently diagnosed with auditory processing disorder and my neurologist said my hearing has likely been affected by them, for a while my hearing was overall worse during my migraines. I’d get a migraine and it’d be like someone put noise cancelling headphones on and everything was really muffled and it would last for a few days before it slowly went back to normal

I struggle to try to have conversations in loud places and a lot of time don’t understand what people say directly across from me at a restaurant, I can’t get my master’s degree in the field I originally wanted, and I’m just so tired. I’ll probably be on medication for my entire life bc I miss one dose or am late taking my preventive medication and I can’t get out of bed the next day. this is hell. I hate it so much.

I’m so upset about all this right now