Did microdosing lead to lasting relief and answers, or, was it a doorway into an even larger journey?
For those who have been positively impacted by microdosing for at least several months or longer - a question for you:
Do you feel your relief and/or insight is sort of stabilized? Meaning, once your life was improved, you feel it has been pretty consistently that way, without much worry or regression into your former troubled self? In other words, nothing more to really do or accomplish - just flowing...
Or do you feel it raised deeper questions (i.e. spiritual or existential) which you are still unpacking?
If you fall into the second group, do you feel microdosing plus a couple other things ... i.e. journaling or meditation ... provide everything you need to explore your questions? Or do you find yourself searching for a larger framework and/or community to make sense of these things?
My curiosity comes from being part of the second group - though my "deeper questions" found answers too. Working with others to explore this... (playing out here.)