Bo: Path of the Teal Lotus
This was a weird experience where I thought the game had some really fantastic things going for it but I just wanted it to be over. It had a great vibe, amazing art direction, cool ideas, and some really rewardingly difficult platforming sections, but the boss fights were so tedious that it cancelled out most of my enjoyment of the other elements. I’m also willing to admit this may just be a skill issue, but I found some of the platforming to just be too punishingly difficult. To a point where it felt unfair and would come down to luck more than anything else. It also didn’t help that I had issues with the game regularly not registering inputs.
I guess I just wanted to vent. I’m late on this game so I apologize if I’m kicking a dead horse with these complaints, I just found it to be one of the most frustrating MVs I’ve ever played. I still think it was worth experiencing though.