MGSV concept number 10?

Divisions. I don't know the exact term so we'll just use divisions. A division would generally act as a group of people that do one job only, atleast in this concept. The first few ideas I had were medics communications and engineering. Medics are fairly obvious. Let's say you injure a soldier but leave him there. If he's discovered a medic will get called over and he'll heal the soldier. Depending on the injury the soldier might be put in a nearby medical tent or healed and sent straight back to his post. Medics would have medical armbands and Snake would lose fame and get demon points if he killed a medic while he was healing a soldier. Other then that they are free game. Communications introduce a slight issue to taking over big outposts. If you take out radio communication to prevent back up from being called a communications soldier would deploy one himself to call backup from the field. They have a backpack with a radio in it aswell as more Comms equipment. Engineering is a very specific job so they'll be deployed to a small amount of places only. Like Lufwa Valley. If you get spotted run across a bridge and destroy it, an engineer might attempt to quickly construct a makeshift one (insert video of the bridges used to cross rivers irl.) The idea of an engineering division is far fetched though so. What do you think?