Melbourne feels really unsafe and I need help

I just wanted to share my experiences living in Melbourne compared to other countries. And asking others who have had similar experiences what they did.

I've lived in Melbourne most of my life, and I in general do not feel very safe here.

I have been assaulted twice, mugged once and chased more times then I can count.

But yet this continues. For the past 6 years as an adult living inthe safer parts of Melbourne (Camberwell, Kew, Canterbury) and other places considered very safe in Melbourne.

2019, I'm 21 years old walking to work through box hill central and 2 homeless kids attacked me, brutalize me and take my backpack. No one came to my aid even though it was 9am on a Wednesday morning and the centre was packed. Police also didn't so much.

2020, I was walking home in Hawthorn and an adult man pushed me into a wall and hit me in the back.

  1. A man followed me home in Camberwell and wouldn't stop banging on my door. I called the police, I gave a description and they did nothing else.

2022-2024 I lived in Chicago, nothing happened ever

I was on the 626 bus in Carnegie, a group of 4 eshays kept yelling at me on the bus but I ignored them.

I just got off the bus and they started following me, they kept shouting at me, luckily it was the middle of the day on the Carnegie strip so I just went into a Boba tea shop which was crowded and they went on their way.

All of these happened mid day, in front of others in broad daylight

I want to point out, I do not dress provocatively, I usually just wear a black, or white shirt with jeans. I do not wear jewelry. I'm not wearing make up or anything. I do not talk or look at anyone on public transport. I'm Australian. I'm not flashy, nor would these be considered hate crimes with my inflections. I'm also a cis male with short hair and no outstanding qualities

I don't know why this keeps happening even in the supposed safe places. It's taking a massive tole in my mental health and I struggle heavily with agoraphobia because of it.

I just don't know what to do anymore. I need a job but I'm so scared of the outside world and this just keeps happening here. I feel like Melbourne is just so unsafe ATM and idk what to do. My DES payments are not enough to sustain me and it's so hard finding a work from home job now.