[Artisan] Wooden case clearance sale! Everything 50% off.🪵

Everything must go!

Since these keyboard models are somewhat old now and since I do not have access to the CNC machine anymore I decided to clear out all old stock.

Here are some images of my work https://imgur.com/a/ua0F6Nt


Everything listed here is ready to ship no later than next day (except Sundays).

All cases are 29€ + 11€ worldwide shipping.

_ KBD75 KBD67 (rev 2 only) GH60
Walnut 1
Oak 2 4 1
Maple 1 2
Cherry 1 2
Plywood 3
​Mahogany 1


Q: Do the cases include screws?

A: Yes, and also spares.

Q: How are these cases finished?

A: The cases are finished with a high quality oil-wax finish which brings out the color and texture of the wood.

Q: Are you open to commissions?

A: No. Sorry.

Q: What do these sound like and is there a difference between woods?

A: I do not have much experience with many different keyboards but to my ears and fingers, these cases are thocky and solid, without feeling hollow. There does not seem to be a difference between woods.