We need Legendary Edition Multiplayer!

I feel like there's not a whole lot of this thought going round, but damnit I need that ME3 MP hit again! There's been nothing like it since, and they really missed a great opportunity by excluding it.

That first feeling of getting the Asari Adept and Carnifex back when it was peak meta, the unbelievable hype when we got Collectors as an enemy AND player character! Playing all your favourite races, the Krogan headbutts, Turians can't roll, Nova Lords getting sync killed, where did the greatness go?

I went through Citadel DLC in the Legendary edition and all the references to Multiplayer gave me manly tears.

Didn't they say they would consider adding it in for enough interest? We really need to get on the ball and annoy them enough (in a good way) to make it happen. Anybody with me?