ACTUAL hot takes compilation.
Time to disclose mine (and yours!) unfiltered utterly dreadfull opinions that are sure to get you roasted in the replies.
1) ME2 is easly the weakest game in the trilogy.
When I first played these games it was my favourite, but the longer you look at this art piece the more you realize how cracked it is. The gameplay is like a parody of 7th gen 3rd person shooters where you spend more time in cover than actually firing and every class is incredibly straightforward and boring except Infiltrator. The side stories are mostly great but a good chunk of them fall apart as renegade shepard due to it being far far worse storytelling then paragon (Garrus, Jack, Zaed). The main story is utter nonsense which also includes a plot point so vad it woudn't fly in a middle school DnD group, yes I'm talking about taking the shuttle to the place becouse we can't put this mission off forever and OOOPS EVERYONE IS GONE EXCEPT FOR THE GUY WHO CANNOT RUN!
2) Thane is the best Femshep romance.
The heartbreaking tragedy of his character and the multiple gut punches he delivers across ME3 are in my opinion far better when taking in acount the apocalyptic, helpless war for survival that the game portrays, I by no means think that silly and loving moments with Garrus and Traynor (super underrated btw) are bad, they are great, but Thane's romance brings in a tragedy that's deeply personal to Shepard and I think works better with the overall game's story.
3) The protagonist of mainline ME games should always be a human.
The diffrent biology, traits and culture of the milky way races, their history and way of thinking it would be an incredible effort to make a player unfamiliar with the setting take on a role of turian who was in the military since the age of 14 and grew up shunning concepts like personal freedom in exchange for ordered meritocracy. If this ever happens these alien protagonists will just be humans with a diffrent model and that would suck so hard. No problem with them being playable in any other context tho.
4) Every ending besides destroy is stupid.
Shepard has gone to such insane lenghts not to just stop the reapers but just to delay their plans and your telling me that in the final strech seeing a goddamn reaper AI talking about machine-organic fusion utopia with rainbows and unicorns is gonna convince them? The entire trilogy builds up to you stopping the reapers, so just do that, that's the ending, they are stopped.
5) Geth Fighter Squadrons is the single worst "Main" mission in the trilogy.
Yes I know it's technically skippable but, come on your not gonna do that cuz you want best Rannock ending. It's worse than Feros, Horizon or Earth. It has gameplay that amounts to pointing a laser poontet at a thing on a wall and sitting through so much dialouge and the story here is terrible. It comptly washes out the Geth of litterly any wrongdoing despite the whole conflict being very very far from black and white, seemingly only so that siding with the Quarians can be justified as a renegade option. It's also the first mission where the terrible Geth retcon shows it's face and I don't want to get into why I think it hugely detracts from them as a faction or Legion specifically as a character.
So yeah, these are mine, come on, vent out like Jacob "veny god" Taylor.