Relay 314 and next Mass Effect

So, you'll have to forgive me if someone has beat me to it, most good ideas are already thought of. But I'd been thinking about the current information we have.

Many teasers of the new game are referring to Relay 314. Referring to Relay 314 incident, the first contact war, started over Humanity trying to activate a dormant relay.

Council had banned it since Rachni wars because they didn't want a repeat of running into a hostile species.

Now, depending on your ending colour and EMS- (keeping in mind because the game is a sequel to ME3, either one ending will be canon, or they will have to pull some crazy warp in the west style ending where everything happened) - the relays are either Destroyed or sustain damage. From what I've heard the teasers are supposed to be set in 2190? A four year skip. It hardly seems likely that any portion of the relay network would be repaired in this time (The whole Galaxy's resources into building the crucible was a miracle, United against the common enemy and had the benefit of the relays. They've sustained losses fighting the reapers.) Relying on just FTL for now Galaxy is divided.

So what's a convenient way to restore the gameplay of the ME trilogy we're acclimated to, acknowledge the events and still be in a close time period to what happened in ME3?

Well, what if dormant relays were unused/unaffected by the Crucible blast? Relay 314 is known, is a primary relay (which can only connect to another primary relay, so assuming the dormant relays are unaffected, it would not be possible for a secondary relay transmitting the Crucible energy to activate it? Need someone more in the know about the lore here) In a rebuilding universe what better way for a race to get an upper hand by heading for untapped resources and worlds. Who's to say it doesn't lead to a hub containing more dormant relays?

It would give writers the freedom to introduce new races as would be expected with a ME game so long in the making. Mystery is the key. It's what they were going for with Andromeda, new galaxy, new races, but fetch all the known and loved races on the Arks. But now the story is literally and figuratively detached from the Milky Way events.

An opening of Relay 314 (or any dormant primary relay, but they seem to be hinting at it.) would give us a great theme, the merging of the known with the unknown. You get some characters you got to know over the other games, and you get the chance to know new characters and races the other side of the dormant relays.

If they choose one ending as canon, I could easily see it working with Destroy and Synthesis, with reapers out of the picture the Galaxy is left on its own with a monumental task of repairing the relays.

I could even see great story involving conflict with the new species if they went with Synthesis, the new races being opposed to this morally.

The only scenario I think it falls short is if control is canon (unlikely to me) because the reapers are there with the knowledge and labour capacity to rebuild them. But maybe resources are required not readily available in the explored Galaxy?

Let me know what you think of this longshot of a theory.