The Downfall of Mary Grace Buckner

MG has been in a steady decline since her CD28/OMG Musical/Melody Keys apologies have been posted.

The summer of 2023 was an invigorating time in MG's lore; happiness, comradery, friendship. It was alive and well in her Discord server and even this sub was filled with eagerness for her Summer album.

I fear we may be losing MG to a new plague: Fortnite.

I know she's having fun with her squad but there seems to be no ambition left for MG to pursue what made all of us become fans of hers. When was the last time we all got together in excitement for a new album drop? When was the last time MG played games with her fans rather than the same boring group of people that belittle her and talk down on her whenever she's playing with them?

I know everyone is going to say she's her own person and people change and blah blah blah but I've spoken to MG and even just the way she communicates with me has drastically changed and I feel like she's not being supported the way she used to be.

I just worry, as well as some other people in this sub, that this could be the great downfall of MG and I don't really know what we, as fans, can do to make her remember why she has such a following online and remind her why we all stick around for more.