Do the avengers have anymore interesting stories to tell.

The MCU already adapted the major Avengers story lines like Kang Dynasty(Abandoned it) , Infinity Saga, Avengers Disassembled, Civil War and Secret wars.

There was the Secret invasion story-line which they decided to adapt as a 6 episode event and well, you know how that went.

They can make an original story but I doubt they would do that.

They do have the Avengers vs X-men in their back pocket. The only problem is that, they need to establish the X-men first. Their is the possibility that they can pull the x-men from other universes and establish them as the current X-men in the MCU. Similar to how the villains were established in NWH. Save them the hassle of reintroducing the characters. Look at Deadpool and Wolverine perfect example plus $1.3 Billion.

So is their anymore stories worth telling with the Avengers.