Your reports for throwing are meaningless

Our teammate left after the first team fight in a capture the point ranked match. The match didn’t cancel and we ended up winning the first round down a person and got to 94% in the second round before eventually losing because we were down a player. The player never came back and we obviously reported him. I get the notification that he was restricted from matchmaking right before queuing up for another game and lo and behold he is on the other team. The message saying he was restricted was sent at 2:07 and the game he was in was at about 2:40. I checked his history and he played 1 8min quick match after logging back in before being able to queue into comp again. He only lost 4 more points in elo than the rest of the team despite throwing the entire game for us. FYI we lost the game against him because we had a hardstuck DPS that refused to adjust to their comp :( RIP