Anyone else have a hero they used to really dislike, but is now one of their faves?

For me, it's Magneto. I started the game playing Venom and gradually tried other tanks to see what I thought and when I tried Magento in practise I was really just not vibing with him. I found him boring, slow, and cause he didn't have high damage abilites (never used Scarlet's ability with him at that point), I wondered why I'd ever play him above Venom (I had not yet touched Comp).

Cut to a couple of months later, learning how Tanks have different roles (Dive/Control), and a few comp games later and he's my go to pick whenever I have to solo tank or if we already have a diver.

I went from never wanting to touch him to being addicted to blocking pulses, absorbing gunfire and throwing it back in the enemy's face!

For me, it's Magneto. I started the game playing Venom and gradually tried other tanks to see what I thought and when I tried Magento in practise I was really just not vibing with him. I found him boring, slow, and cause he didn't have high damage abilites (never used Scarlet's ability with him at that point), I wondered why I'd ever play him above Venom (I had not yet touched Comp).

Cut to a couple of months later, learning how Tanks have different roles (Dive/Control), and a few comp games later and he's my go to pick whenever I have to solo tank or if we already have a diver.

I went from never wanting to touch him to being addicted to blocking pulses, absorbing gunfire and throwing it back in the enemy's face!