why is this community so harsh?
I'm fairly new to multiplayer games (my first one was Fortnite a little under a year ago) and Rivals has been my first hero shooter. I decided to give the game a chance with my friends when it launched since it seemed pretty fun.
I've been having a great time with it! Even got a few characters to lord which is a big gamer achievement to me. Haven't been playing too much ranked, but my highest of the season is silver 1 right now.
However my main, and probably only, gripe is that the community is so aggressively toxic. I am aware that I'm not a pro gamer or anything, however I will be harassed into the ground in quick match by a guy named LunasToes69 for not executing everything perfectly. For example, in a game yesterday, a trio I encountered in qm kept spamming in match chat to report me for throwing because I wouldn't switch to support for them. They were all tanks and wanted to aura walk or something, so I swapped to tank too to be a part of the bit, and was ridiculed for it.
And that's without including the fact that my username blatantly gives away that I'm a female, even with mic off, which adds to this issue. I'm either being told I should be in the kitchen where I belong, or being asked if I'm a thick goth mommy.
Lastly, why are we pressuring people so much in qm?? I understand some people can't play ranked with their friends (me included btw) but I don't feel like that's a very valid excuse. There is nothing at stake here other than your pride, please just try to have fun instead.
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT saying all players are bad here. I have met many lovely people in matches that I continue to queue up with! The problem is that the bad are a very loud majority who's primary goal is to make others miserable