The high ELO meta is boring
Disclaimer: I’m diamond 2 and this is my first hero shooter.
Climbing to diamond was really fun but honestly the game is way more fun in lower elo matches. I’m not having nearly as much fun as I did when I was silver/gold.
The triple support meta is really boring. games are almost always decided upon who uses their support ults the worst. Even without the triple supports the defensive ults are just way too oppressive.
Here’s a common scenario.
I’ll play Magneto and my ult can kill cloak in hers. Here’s the problem, her ult builds way faster than mine and these cloak players just instantly slam their ult on the objective right when they get it. So you have to back off, then I get my mag ult, now I’m just holding this shit until cloaks ult is up again. Like I would really enjoy if I could use my ult when I get it to get some kills, nope, I gotta save it because of how insanely strong defensive ults are.
Domination matches are abysmal for this, it’s actually just 12 players in a circle rotating defensives and whoever runs out of cds first loses, most of the time you have no idea wtf is going on you can barely see anything. Just the match quality is really bad, there’s no strategy it’s just a pure clusterfuck. Whether I win or lose I don’t feel like was very fun.
Everyone also just plays the same comps. I wish people could just come together and ban Luna, Cloak, Sue, Mantis so every game could be enjoyable. Also I play support a decent amount and it’s not more fun or anything. Do support players enjoy the defensive ults?
Now this could totally just be a me thing and this is sort of just how hero shooters play, might just be not for me. In lower elos I had a lot more fun because people were way less meta slaves and there was a lot more variety in the games.
Because of how strong ults are in diamond it’s the same game every time, the games are completely decided on who ults better. It’s a speed race on who’s going to build their ult faster, then it’s about getting value out of your ults, it’s just sort of boring.
I dunno that’s just my 2 cents maybe hero shooters aren’t really my thing but I’ve had a lot of fun with the game regardless.