Moonknight should vocalize before he casts his ult

The damage on moon knights ult is really really good, and I’m tired of seeing his ult get 3+ kills every time because there’s literally no way to see it coming before hand.

Almost every ult in the game has a warning before it’s used. Shit.. Even Scarlett Witch screams at the top of her lungs before she releases the chaos, giving you plenty of time to counter it before it’s casted.

I great idea would be to make him say his signature phrase as soon as he starts aiming it, not after he casts it. The people getting deleted by it can’t hear him finish saying his line after it’s casted. All they hear is “THE MOOOOONNNN” and after that they’re dead.

Edit: I’m not the one dying to it. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m stuck on plat II solo queueing and my teammates love to group together and get moonknight easy kills. I use a Thor dash to get outta there