Does anyone truly believe they’re supposed to be in the rank they’re in?
People come in here all the time so say “I’ve been stuck in this rank for like 50+ games” but never really think they deserve that rank and I’m just curious why? Like if you’re stuck in bronze, silver, gold, whatever rank it is for 50-100+ games, maybe that’s just your rank in skill?
I get wanting to climb higher or just wanting teammates to play with but, it’s seems like most people just blame their teammates for being stuck rather than trying to improve their own skill. I’m not about to act like bad teammates don’t exist I’ve had my fair share but for you to be stuck in a rank for a long time is definitely not a teammate issue.
I’m also not referring to people who derank multiple ranks. If you deranked a lot and can’t get back you just have to know when to take a break. I don’t even take like 2 or 3 back to back losses before I’m done with ranked for the day lol. Make the climb the next day easier for yourself rather than queuing while tilted.
What rank are you in and what rank do you feel like you deserve and why?
I’m currently Plat 2 with about 130 games in ranked and believe my skill level is probably Diamond at best. Don’t really think I’m GM just yet, still have a lot to learn about positioning on certain maps and but it’s not really much I can work on outside of actual teams and I’ve been solo queuing lol. There are times where people expose my flanks or don’t make pushes on things I feel like are great pushes.