First game Two-Handed - loved it!

Had some time today to play two-handed so played Colossus (justice) and Gambit (aggression) against Rhino with Masters of Evil.

Wow, it was great. True solo is quick and fun but the swingy-ness of it does get a bit frustrating and it lacks the strategic depth of two-handed.

It took me just over an hour including looking up some rules and I didn't have any trouble keeping track of things - a well planned set up helped a lot! I even managed to play elevated on my desk setup as per my post from a few weeks ago.

I think true solo still has its value, particularly when I want a quick game and to get the hang of new heroes, but I reckon I'll switch to mostly two handed going forward.

I guess the only issue is that Rhino is a fairly straight forward villain and other villains and campaigns will get more difficult to keep track of. Is that anyone else's experience?