Mario Kart 9 is closer than we think.

This era of Nintendo has been amazing for so many franchises, including Mario Kart. It’s amazing how this game was able to amass almost 75 million sales as of November 2024 (8 ≈ 8.5 Million units / 8dx ≈ 64.27 million units). The insane numbers that this game has done has allowed it to be dragged along for almost 11 years, this game is basically the Nintendo equivalent of GTA 5.

On another note, the Switch 1 has also done great numbers as well, but it’s true that it is in its final months, so what better way to introduce the Switch 2 with a new version of Mario Kart. I’ve read various leaks and rumors about a possible Mario Kart 9 as a launch title and bundle with Switch 2, and I feel that we as a community need to acknowledge that even if these leaks and rumors are real or not real, it’s a no brainer that the only way for the Mario Kart series to progress further, there will need to be a sequel released.

For Mario Kart 9 to be a true launch title for Nintendo Switch 2, it needs to show off the graphical capabilities of the new console. I’m not expecting the game to look like the ported tour tracks in the Booster Course Pass, Nintendo knows that this game needs to look amazing and blow people’s minds, it has to look like a sequel and completely different game compared to 8 Deluxe or people will not buy it. Nintendo also knows that 8 Deluxe might have a community with a large longevity even after the sequels have released (similar to Mario Kart Wii or Smash Melee), they have no other choice but to put an insane amount of content in this game or else it might do worse numbers than 8 Deluxe.

I want to outline my biggest desires for Mario Kart 9, it’s most likely going to be my most played Nintendo Switch 2 game (just as 8dx was with Switch 1). Let me know what other stuff you guys want as well and I might add it to the list.

My list of four likely features and four desired features are in the comments because this post is getting too long. Thank you for reading this post.