🔮Magic School: White, Black, & Grey Necromancy

Animancy also called White Necromancy is a magic school that involves the manipulation of life & death energies. This magic was beloved by the All-Mother who encouraged her fey children and the sages she chose to use it to make life flourish and grow.

Sages who had knowledge of this magic could use Animancy to heal people and ecosystems, they could grow plants, forge soul connections, and even commune with those who have passed on as soul echoes could be forged with this magic & spirits could be summoned, communed with, and exorcised.

However life & death are linked and others who found Animancy mainly Mephiles the grandson of All-Mother & the first dragon to exist dabbled into the death aspect of the magic and made many innovations that All-Mother would consider sinful. While traditional Animancy would temporarily conjure spirits imbued with neutral ethereal mist, mages began to reanimate the dead, making their bodies twist and groan, and had a connection to a realm of unparalleled death and destruction, blight ran through them like electric signals in a mortal and makes these undead hostile to all living things.

These mages called themselves Necromancers using Black Necromancy and would do more vile things with their new innovations. Necromancers would turn blood and bone into their playthings. The dead who are supposed to rest and return to the world would be labor and might to slay more people and raise bigger armies. Souls would be captured and siphoned of their energy and memories untill they where nothing more than husks. They would siphon life force from others and unleash waves of purplish black energy to destroy their foes. They constantly atempt to cheat death through ressurection wether it's bringing a fragile soul back to the body or making an inert copy for the soul to return to. The biggest sin was a ritual that required a special potion who's ingredients are as secret as they are evil, upon completion the mage would shed their mortal flesh and become an immortal undead monster called a Lich, eternally feasting on souls until their phylactery is destroyed.

All-Mother reviled the new innovations and the word Necromancy seeing it as a perversion of her beautiful life magic. Mephiles over the eons would send the message that Necromancy was death, & evil and mortals hated the magic as well not knowing it's only half of the picture.

Some rose up to use this magic differently than the others and while they where branded untrustworthy and corrupted they soon proved their idea correct that this magic is a tool and those who use it for evil weren't evil because of the magic. Other Gods like Scorpio encouraged his people to study this magic and make them tools rather sources of inevitable corruption.

Hades once mortal born with the powers of death in his body was uplifted by Scorpio into a Lich and kepted his morality. His gentle demeanor remaining is what inspired his people to study the arcane and master death but also rediscover the power of original Animancy, but others remain unwilling and untrusting of the magic.

These Necromancers are called Grey Necromancers capable of using both White & Black Necromancy. These Necromancers aren't as well known as the commonly reviled black necromancer but far better in power and versatility as they can heal and harm. Should a grey necromancer have undead thralls the echoes of the caster's soul can bleed into their thralls and enable certain behaviors that mimic their master. The thralls of Saveara are less naturally violent and easier to command but can become a tide of death and destruction if need be, her sapient undead are spared from the intense hate and corruption from the blight energies and capable of being people again.

The magic conjured by these magics life & death energies called Grace & Blight leave small remnants of that energy that slowly alter the mage. Prolonged use of White Necromancy/Animancy can have good effects like slower aging, increase immune system, increased fertility, ect. Prolonged use of Black Necromancy can slowly weaken the body, giving immunosuppression, accelerated aging, fatigue, muscle atrophy, infertility ect. draining of life force can stave off these effects leading to many of these mages to use life draining spells & capture souls to siphon their life force. It's this exposure to death energy that can grant resistance to other sources of death energy and prepare the body for the lich ritual. Grey Necromancers have an equal exposure to both energies, this staves off either side's effects.