Too good for casual, too weak for cEDH

Probably other people have dealt with this in the past, some I’m asking for some advice and/or opinions.

I’m a huge fan of commander, but I enjoy building decks with strong synergy and high density of card quality. On the other hand, I’m kind of bummed out of cEDH: the repetitive play patterns and deck homogeneity threw me off it.

Therefore, I mostly play on casual settings, but I feel my deck often run over with the games. On the other side, if join a cEDH table, I get bodied.

My playgroup doesn’t seem to mind it, but a feel a little bad if a win two games in row.

Building another deck is currently off the table since my MTG budget is spent on this one pet deck I’ve been playing for 5 years now.

I purchased a Warhammer precon to level the field when I play against my friend’s weaker decks and we have a blast. But as soon as they bring out their stronger decks, I have to bring out the big guns a things kind of devolve from there.

Anyone else feels stuck in this valley?

Obs: this is the deck I play: