Is this a decent deal to purchase?
Open box price is $1029.99.
I have looked on marketplace but it seems most people want A LOT for an older used computer that is only a couple hundred more bucks for brand new. I'm happy with secondhand or used items generally though.
My last macbook pro was a 2016 or 17. With the touchbar (hated that!). But it broke and the repair is 500 bucks which doesn't seem worth it..? I am no longer a super heavy user though. Should I go for the cheaper Air, repair my old MBP or try and buy a new pro?
And most of all is this one a good purchase? Any other good sites to get a MCP or air from. I don't feel like I necessarily need the new M4. Am I making a mistake purchasing new but not the newest model?
Any advice is helpful! Thank you!