Putting myself and manifestion out to the reddit

I am a 43yr old woman recently single and homeless on SSI disability. I'm in my first month of saving for what I am manifesting daily to reach my goal quickly as possible 2025.

This below is my vision board and manifestion prayer. It's only alive in my mind, reality as soon as all my efforts, prayers, and patience align with the stars.

"I am confident, strong, and secure within myself. I have a healthy relationship with my mind, emotions, and body. I am living in my own small, dependable, and adorable RV—a space where I live, love, and create freely. I am dependable to myself in all ways and practice mindfulness and peace daily. Living my life is an art, and as I grow, greater opportunities flow to me effortlessly.

I have all the financial resources needed to provide a comfortable and safe life for Mikey and me. I have gained a supportive community, network, and friends who align with my core values and beliefs. I am seen, heard, and appreciated. I honor my rights and worth, and because of this, I am truly free.

I have developed a comfortable, healthy, and flexible self-care routine that I trust and am dedicated to. I have fully detached from all places, people, and things that do not bring me joy, peace, and purpose. I have built a solid foundation of who I am authentically and have designed my life around what is best for me. I continue to expand, grow, and evolve on my personal journey with clarity and purpose."

Be well, take care of yourself and be kind to others. 💜 K