Why does everything always have to be about love love love?

  Why does everything always have to revolve around love? Seriously it's ridiculous. I hate having it rubbed in my face. Everyone always makes having a partner their whole personality. In their bio it's always something about a partner or the love of their life. On their social it's always 10,000 highlights of how much they love their partner. Nobody gets awarded for being single. There's no celebration or reward or embrace for single people the way there is for married people. Married people get rewarded with all this attention and praise. They always get to be praised and celebrated for their status. There are gender reveal parties, weddings, anniversaries but what big days are there for single people? 

All society ever shoves in everyone's face is romance this and romance that. In a film class I was taking where I watched films so many of the films were centered around a guy liking a girl or vice versa. I can't connect to your movie about a guy and a girl for crying out loud! I dont connect to it. Im not aromantic but I just chose to detach from anything romantic because I know that romance everyone else can have has and never will apply to me. I'm 22 and still never been in a relationship. Seeing cute couples doesn't make me feel better it just reminds me of the fact I will never have that.

I have tried to stop surrounding myself with anything romantic in theme to curb the hopeless romantic in me from just teasing myself because why look for a bunch of romance novels or movies when they do not apply to me or my life? Why have the concept of romance exist to me or be revelant to me in any way if I cant have it? Its better to just snip out the useless excessive romance. I can't fucking relate but society just shoves the narrative down my throat that I can relate. Its the default assumption that is stamped onto everyone.

 When I shop for gifts or try to find an answer to a relationship I have that is non - romantic all the search results ever show are assumptions about some great "him". "How to get him to x y z" It just irritates me that that is the automatic thing that they are expecting me to be looking for on the internet about some bf gf situation. NO STOP! You can't relate at all and you're just putting words into my mouth that the thing I typed in for a gift or as a question is revolving around something romantic and it isn't.