There should have been tie-breakers at First Stand

Obviously, congratulations to all of the teams that qualified for the playoffs. Massive respect to CFO for making it out with a pretty good record. I think that for all of the other teams, TL, TES and KC, it would have been better to have a tie-breaker not only because of their records were the same, but because they had all won and lost games against each other. As a viewer I think that would have been more entertaining than simply seeing 2 teams getting to arbitrarily advance based off of another teams record. And for the teams I think it would have been better for them mentally to have control over their own destiny. Obviously, the fans for each of the regions/teams that did make it in will say that the fans of the team that didn't make it in wouldn't be complaining if their team did make it in. But personally, I think that's very disingenuous and, in most cases, just not true. Hopefully Riot will consider a change for next year. I'm also again left wondering if there is a better solution to tournament formatting than Round-Robin.