Limerence is an addiction.
Do any of you see the crossover between limerence and addiction? I feel like my limerence gets worse when I’m actively depending on substances (weed for me) and I almost feel like I HAVE to think of LO much like I feel like I NEED to smoke weed. I think I’ve become so addicted to limerence that it’s never about the person, it’s about latching onto the excitement of limerence and the fantasy of a perfect person wanting me. That perfect person doesn’t exist, in reality they are a normal human with flaws and the right to make their own decisions. I almost got angry when I found out he had a gf, but then I realized he’s his own person and he’s free to do whatever he wants and i have no control over what he does so what’s the point in caring?
I became addicted to tarot readings to soothe my anxiety and try to make sense of all the emotions I felt for him, but looking back I was just feeding a fantasy of what I wanted to believe. I wanted him to want me. I wanted to be important to him, more important than anyone else in his life. It’s really selfish of me. So I’m going NC to try and break my addiction to limerence, tarot, and him. I feel like an addict trying to quit.