The increase in ID specifc team-ups

So I usually try to write EGO discussion posts, but I'm having writers block a little with them, cause I want to try to make them a little better.

So until then, I want to discuss the concept that is coming up more and more that I love.

As we saw recently, the idea of having specific IDs (and as I will discuss later, EGO)being present buffs other IDs is becoming much more of a thing.

Originally, all that really happened was IDs would get some minor benefits from being the same faction with each other, like a passive increase to applied status from skills, or the most common, minor damage increase.

However, that got way more complex with the release of Mentor Meursault.

He provides so much utility to Blade Linege teams. He buffs final power with his skills, applies a buff to his allies that gives coin power based on the poise of his allies, and gives his allies poise just by attacking.

We then move on to the next canto, and we sadly didn't have as much of these buffs, and kinda moved back into minor buffs based on factions with the Wild Hunt.

However, in Canto VII, everything kicks back into high gear to an insane degree.

We get Mananger Don, who already can do some work alone. Then they get even more insane buffs in the form of new skills from having the other Bloodfiends present, with highly increased damage, and unbreakable coins, meaning even losing clashes, she is still dealing some damage.

Then in the Walpurgisnacht, we get the Full Stop Office, who constantly are making it so they are always attacking the enemy when both are on the field (especially with the one shot machine that is Full Stop Heathcliff). Even when Heath leaves the field after losing all his ammo, he still majorly increases the dps of Full Stop Hong Lu by giving him a version of his skills with an additional coin (that is unbreakable).

Then we also get the new use of EGO in Magic Bullet, where it directly majorly buffs one ID rather than be one that generally buffs all (which it still can do). It also is in tandem, buffed by the ID.

With this EGO, the Magic Bullet Outis ID gains a bunch of her bullets right away, giving her quick access to her AOE, and applying more dark flame.

This also can lead to her EGO being being passively buff when she collects bullets with her ID's skills, mean her EGO also can remain high power. Even the passive from the EGO is better when she has the Magic Bullets ID.

All these (especially Magic Bullet) really make me look forward to seeing more and more IDs embrace these team up options in the future. These really increase the strategy and coolness factor of various IDs.

Plus, as established many times by other people, it can lead to other old IDs becoming good. Imagine if N-Corp inquisitors got a buffing ID equivalent to the Blade Linege.