Looking for advice on body armor

Hi again all! After joining this community with questions on building an AR on a budget my hobby has evolved and I need help again. So some buddies invited me out to go hog hunting involving some very expensive toys. I’ve got a standard PC, helmet combo and they said that just won’t do. In the middle of no where with quite a few people they decided a long time ago that they needed full gear to avoid anyone getting hurt and cutting the fun short(we have prepers and a dr. In the group). I went looking around for something that fit their description (neck, arms, etc) and stumbled upon this. I’ve got a few months before the trip but their budget and time spent preparing seems far and away from me. Except now this seemingly perfect thing is here. Anyone know anything about this company? See any red flags? Or at least could point me in the right direction?

Thank you in advance! (Yes I asked them and they had no idea about it and pointed me at some very, very expensive but trust worthy alternatives)