My HOA is trying to ban my Pride flag
I have lived in my home for 5 years now. In that time, the ONLY flags I have seen displayed from homeowners garage flagpoles are american flags, or some kind of defamation of the american flag. Up until a few months ago, when I proudly bought and displayed a BIPOC Pride Flag. Now, in what I can only believe is retaliatory in nature in response to my flag, a new policy is floated to prohibit any flags being flown on a garage flagpole other than the american flag.
I’m angry and sad. I’m drafting an email to my hoa board now calling them out. If they plan to follow through with this, I plan to contact media and an attorney. This kind of behavior is hateful and vile and ESPECIALLY in this political climate, if they think they can bully me into taking my flag down, they’re in for a surprise because I’ll take it as far as I fucking can.