I relapsed and I don’t regret it

Moving home from college has been hard to quit smoking, but I managed to get clean for 2 months. The first month I felt great about my progress. After that I began to get bored and my motivation to do stuff has been downhill. I believe it it’s just because I don’t have anything important going on in my life to motivate me.

I work a summer job every summer which has a huge culture to smoke on the job. The pay is great and they don’t really care what you do as long as you’re working (mostly physical labor)

I’m normally good at managing my cravings, but This past week it has been off the walls. It’s fully because this is the first year I’m doing this job sober

Last week I decided to give in. After work I went to a dispo and got violently high.

Here’s the thing that really concerns me I don’t regret my relapse. I felt amazing. I know that I quit smoking to better my life but fuck, weed is so good

I threw out my pen the next day because I knew I would just smoke again. I haven’t had strong cravings since, but I’m concerned that I’m just going to remember this experience next time I my cravings are acting up. Most of the post I see about moderation their habit agree that it’s going to lead to old habits and I fully agree

The main question I have is has anyone relapsed and not regret it? How do you manage that?