Does Kled seem like a champion that should have health scalings or otherwise build tankier?
Kled is probably one of the most unique champions in the game, and as a relatively mobile skirmisher he's a bit of an outlier in that rather than having some inbuilt sustain or building life steal, he has the dual health bar and courage mechanic for survivability. His kit is fully oriented towards encouraging him to keep fighting instead of retreating at all costs. Passive is restored by fighting, he goes from extremely slow to extremely fast by targeting champs while dismounted, Q needs him to stay in range, W value is backloaded, half of E is tied to hitting a champ, and his ult is literally for charging into battle.
Despite his kit giving the impression that he'd like to be in extended fights, he's been played with primarily glass cannon assassin style builds for a while now. He's had periods where he was more of a stridebreaker or ravenous hydra champ recently, but it's been a while since he was going for high hp bruiser or even tank builds.
This isn't actually surprising if you take a closer look at his kit and playstyle, high AD ratios, an attack speed steroid to utilize AD, and defensive stats being near useless when he's dismounted essentially force him towards more offensive builds, and he's consistently pretty balanced with them all things considered.
Still, Kled seems more like a champ who was designed to build items like Titanic hydra, black cleaver and steraks rather than eclipse, profane hydra and more lethality/arpen. Of course there's no reason to fix what isn't broken, but I'm just wondering if anyone else got the impression Kled should be less of a glass cannon style champ. Have I missed something and Kled was always intended to be played as he is now?
I think it might be possible to open up both build paths by giving Kled HP scalings on some of his mounted abilities or still granting a portion of bonus HP to his dismounted form, but I can already imagine the potential balance issues so it's understandable if Riot would rather not touch him.