If the big problem with Mel is her numbers being too high, them I consider that am absolute success of a champion release

A lot of Mel complaint posts have been going around, but I can't help but notice it's mostly a numbers thing

she does too much damage too easily, while the rest of the complains are very pedantic and weak.

Complaining about her being easy to play, that her execute has a indicator so you don't waste the ult, that you can harrass melee champions easily, that you can farm under tower well. those are fine things to have in a mage, her big hyped W landed a lot close to a Fiora W than even Yasuo's windwall in terms of annoyance, many people are saying it's not even her best ability anymore.

So I must ask, after her number are tuned down, like every champions release the past half decade, what are the issues exactly? Because to me, the epic arcane meme mage being easy to play is not an issue at all