What's a Champion/Character Trope that League of Legends is missing?
Riot defines their own Character/Champion Creation Style as "Pop Fantasy" which basically means Tropes and Ideas inspired by/known in Popular Media changed and twisted in a Way that fits Runeterra's Fantasy World. Good Examples of this would be:
- Monk Warrior: Lee Sin
- Knight: Garen, Darius
- Drunk Warrior: Gragas
- Archer: Ashe, Varus
- Werewolf: Warwick
- Samurai: Yasuo, Yi, Yone
- Ninja: Zed, Akali, Shen
- Pirate: Gankplank, MF
- Short and smart: Heimerdinger, Ziggs
- Short and crazy: Kled, Ziggs
- Strong but dumb: Dr. Mundo
- Child and Monster best Friend: Nunu and Willump
- Mafia Boss: Renata Glasc
- Treant: Maokai, Ivern
So I wanted to see what's a Trope inspired by Popular Media that hasn't made it yet in League of Legends?
If I were to answer this Question I'd probably go for the Panda Warrior Trope present in many Games like World of Warcraft or Movies like Kung Fu Panda. I would absolutely love to see a Vastaya Panda Warrior in the Future, someone with great Size but equally great Speed and Agility. It would be veey Fun, especially if they manage to place them in an interesting Region like Bilgewater or Noxus (Pirate Panda annyone?). Another one I'd like is a ranged Siege Character like Sgt. Hammer in HotS (or Dota Allstars Mortar Team Concept), a long Range Character that's slow as Hell but has insane Range to take out Towers.
EDIT: Great Answers everybody! I'll try to make a List with your Ideas (I don't necessarely agree with all of them, I think some of these already exist but anyway...):
- Old Woman
- Banshee
- Tracker/Ranger (we can do better than Quinn)
- Traditional Witch
- Traditional Wizard (Wand/Staff)
- Elemental Mage (multiple Elements, Qiyana is an Assassin)
- Traditional Paladin
- Cleric/Light Healer
- Sword and Shield Fighter (Damage Dealer, not Support)
- Traditional Thief/Rogue
- Psychic (Syndra comes close)
- Beastmaster/Monster Tamer/Druid
- Horse riding Warrior (we can do better than Rell)
- Kleptomaniac Goblin (make 'em a Vastaya/Yordle)
- Orc/Savage Vastaya
- Winged Dragon (Shyvana is a Shapeshifter, dosn't count)
- Dark Knight
- Dark Healer/Priest (Renata comes close)
- Shaman Mage (Udyr is a Shaman Warrior)
- Panda Warrior