Please be aware of a rough looking Woman on highland rd and Heiman st. She has 2 Bully type dogs and is likely on drugs

I was finishing my night walk Friday at 7:30 January 10th when a rough looking Woman in my own driveway hid behind my car paranoid and accused me of following her. Her one bully type dog attacked my own dog in my driveway and attacked me. Public health would like for anyone with knowledge of her to please come forward. I don't want any money from her. I just want to make sure no one else has to go through what I did. I don't want her to go to jail. Or her dogs put to sleep. I just want her dog muzzled so all the dogs in my area can be safe on their walks. If you know of this woman who lubes on Heiman street please help me and all the dogs and dogs owners around (She could be homeless as well) please be Vigilance when walking your dogs